Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Morning's Meal

Samwise Gamgee was a veritable genius of the Third Age.  His commentaries on the necessity and various usages of rope were some of the most consequential pieces of literature in his time.  However, he neglected one very important tool in all his talks, which I feel must be mentioned: a good, sturdy rope should always be complemented by a heavy-duty, wide-handled pair of scissors.

It's kind of hard to get sleep on your first night in a new place.  But having only gotten three hours of sleep, plus a couple small naps during the previous day, certainly helped me: I managed to pull off nine hours of solid snooze-time.  Until the sirens drove by, that is.  Those things are loud! They were going on and off all night, but when a few passed the street just outside, I doubt anyone in the building could stay asleep.  But hey, well-rested isn't all that bad.

I started morning devotions in I Timothy, for now.  However, I'm considering choosing Galatians instead; its content may be more applicable to me here.  Nonetheless, I Timothy had a very strong opening.  It starts with one of Paul's openings, similar to the one found in Romans.  But what caught my eye was the part after that.  Yes, I skipped ahead.  Bad study habits come back to bite, eh?

Paul warned Timothy, who was at Ephesus, to charge 'certain persons' not to teach different doctrine.  Obviously, as was the case in many of the early churches (not to mention our own), false teachers were spreading around false doctrine.  An interesting thing to note is Paul's wording: 'different' doctrine.  Is this implying that anything but the doctrine taught by Paul, the Apostles, and Christ himself is false, even if it adds some good ideas? Well, given the infallibility of the Bible, and the non-multiplicity of its interpretation, each passage has only one possible meaning, but multiple applications.  So any other ideas coming from man's 'wisdom' would, indeed, be false, unless backed up with Scripture itself.

Paul moves on to point out two specific areas that are bothering him: myths, and endless genealogies.  This sounds to me like trouble being stirred up by the Jewish peoples, as they paid very special and detailed attention as to their family lines.  They likely dragged out lists of family trees, simply to disprove or degrade Christ's claim to the line of David.  Similar attacks to Christ's credibility occur today.  I expect to be bombarded with them during school.  That's why this caught my eye pretty quickly, I think.

Physical nourishment was also a good idea, at that point.  I headed down to the food store, to see if they had any mini-wheats.  They had both boxes and little cups; however, there wasn't a spot of milk left.  I wasn't about to start drinking soy milk, so I got yogurt and a donut, and added yet another mental note: if you want the good stuff, get up EARLIER.  Not that I'm complaining: I mean, c'mon, I had a DONUT!!

...Well, at least I had one good meal this morning.

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