Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Storm is Coming...

Bring it on! Let the lightning flash; let the thunder roll; let the storm winds blow.
Bring it on! Let the trouble come; let the hard rain fall, let it make me strong.
Bring it on!   -Stephen Curtis Chapman


And as a write, it has already come.  The black clouds stretching over the nearby buildings finally covered the rest of the sky as well, and with a single, dull roar of thunder, the rain began pouring.  The people with table-duty by Lander's front door were able to pack up and move out on time, but several meandering students found themselves running for cover.  I'm safe and sound in my room, however.  Which makes watching others get drenched slightly more... entertaining.

I've already started work on one of my classes.  Professor Pflughoeft assigned reading material for the Advanced Technical Writing and Oral Presentation class.  I can see why he's the one teaching this class: both his name and the class' title are mouthfuls.  Fortunately, I've already taken Technical Writing, so I'm very familiar with the formats of letters and memos and e-mails.  This made for a solid, quick review.  I must say, the supplementary book for the class, the Handbook of Technical Writing, actually seems to be a handy tool I might want to keep on hand for future reference.  Yet another actually useful textbook.  Shocking!

There was supposed to be a "Religious Community Info Fair".  I decided to look and see if there was any info on Campus Crusades for Christ, or for CBC's Arise college group, but neither were to be found.  I did, however, find one booth I'd seen yesterday at the tech fair, demonstrating an ITouch application for MyUW.  And a display by... Sprint? I can't remember, I'm pretty sure it was a phone company.  I never realized those two businesses had entered the "Religious Community"! I'll have to see what their doctrinal statements are.  Probably something about 6-month or yearly contracts, with limited messaging.

Now it's just about preparing for the first day of actual classes.  Looking outside, I can see that the water level's now creating mini-rivers down the side of the road.  Fall weather for Fall quarter.  How appropriate.

Bring it on.


  1. Just thought I'd mention that I'd kill for rain right now. It's been two or three months since I've seen the stuff, and fall weather here equals roasty toasty. One of my co-workers was complaining about being a baked potato, dark and crispy on the outside.
    I'll be praying for you as you deal with the college environment. Remember Matthew 5:10-12 and 1 John 2:15-17. Slightly different subject matter, but both very applicable.

  2. Heh, thanks. Those would be good to write on an index card for memorizing. *Finds a card and begins scribbling*

    And I'll see what I can do about sending some rain your way; we've got more than enough to spare.

  3. Hey now, I like our rain and feel like being selfish! Eric, you can't have any! :P (in other words, very cryptically and through sarcasm, I'm saying "I hope you get rain soon!" :D)


What do you think about Nathan's latest desperate plight?