Sunday, October 4, 2009

In Sickness.. and I'm too sick to remember the rest.

"Well, if I were said force of doom, then I certainly wouldn't have used my powers to turn the land black. It just lacks flair. Red. Now, that would be an interesting color. Think of the possibilities--if the ash were red, the rivers would run like blood. Black is so monotonous that you can forget about it, but red--you'd always be thinking, 'Why, look at that. That hill is red. That evil force of doom trying to destroy me certainly has style.'"
-Mistborn - Hero of Ages

So, it's definitely been an interesting time the past few days.

Friday, I got back from classes and started working on the Java homework.  Yes, I had other homework, I could do, but why put off the most fun 'til last? It took me a good couple hours to get the kinks out of the program, but I think it's up to shape now.  That was only the beginning of the fiasco, though.

I put my laptop on 'Stand By' mode while I went to do something else.  I came back to turn it on, and heard something I've heard only once before from my computer.  It was ominous.  If sounds could stab, the laptop should have gone into the acupuncture field.


That was it.  No screen turning on, no familiar happy Windows "HELLO!!!" chime.

As previously mentioned, this has only happened once before.  Turning off the computer didn't help last time, until I waited for a few hours.  It was worse this time.  I waited a couple hours, and tried again.  Nothing.  No blog post that night.

Saturday, I was feeling a liiiittle on the icky side.  I had a bit of head congestion, and felt really chilly.  But our room's windows were open, so that didn't surprise me much.  And the computer still wouldn't turn on.  And I had no way to find Dell Support's phone number without using a library computer.  My little brother and mom came and brought home-made pizza (MMMM!) and Settlers of Catan.  That was an exciting game.  Especially since I won.  But they played well, and we laughed pretty hard the whole time.  And the other people in the cafe lounge were cheering us on! (Don't listen to what they tell you about the Huskies game on the TV; they were celebrating that awesome one-sheep-for-two-brick trade.)

Fortunately, I was able to call back home to get the support number from my other brother, who was sick with a cold.  I called in, and after half-an-hour of reading while placed on hold, someone picked up, and I soon got a verdict.  The hard-drive was faulty, and would need to be replaced.  And that meant having to get data recovery for the faulty one.  I tried turning it on again while he was filling out forms, and wouldn't you know it, the thing turned on just fine.  I'll still have to replace the drive, since it's already done it twice, and there doesn't seem to be rhyme or reason behind it.  I really don't feel like losing all my stuff because the drive has a bad head.

Last night, I was definitely feeling feverish, and very congested.  I took some Tylenol, and some Sudafed; the Tylenol seemed to help the fever for awhile; the Sudafed, not so much.  I ended up feeling to yucky to write a post.

And today, I was feeling even ickier.  I laid around until eleven, then demolished an orange mom brought.  The fever seemed to slack off during the afternoon, thought the congestion continued to stick with all day.  I still managed to wrap up homework, and write up this post.  Now you know where I've been the last few days: sick as a dawg.


  1. You know... they WERE talking about that swine flu ourbreak in UW recently. :P I hope you start feeling better! :'(

  2. That's probably what I have, quite honestly. But hey, we were all expecting it. Maybe not *quite* so soon, but... anyway. Hopefully I'll kick this before it starts hampering grades.


What do you think about Nathan's latest desperate plight?