Monday, October 12, 2009

The Wheels on the Bus go SCREEECH!

Oh, drat.  I left my coat at the lab.


I guess this is what they call procrastination.  It has all the same symptoms, and I'm pretty sure it's highly contagious.  I don't want to give it to roomies, but... only time will tell.

The Washington State tranpsortation system is interesting, at the very least.  I daresay it's kind of illogical that Google has more information on the bus routes than the Washington Department of Transportation does.  It also helps more with route planning.  I only had to take one bus down to the ferry terminal on Friday, hopped onto the ferry, and one more bus to my house.  Hooray for homecoming, however temporary.

Then there's the computer troubles.  The hard drive's replaced now, with the tools I had available on Saturday.  The files are all back, but a lot of programs lost data and settings.  So now I have to reset a lot of things from scratch: not easy, especially when you have short-term memory loss like I do.  But it's slowly building its way back up.  Carbonite did an okay job.

Getting back was another issue altogether.  Finding the right bus was no trouble; finding the right stop was.  Bus 66 travels in one big loop, from what I saw when I got on it the first time on Friday.  So when it crossed the bridge, I assumed it would take a couple quick turns and head the other way, where it would drop me off before it crossed again.  But we passed right through 42nd Avenue.  And 43rd.  And 72nd.  And 90th.

I realized too late that the bus did go in a loop; one LONG loop headed north.  It finally dropped me off at a transit station, where I had to call home and figure out how to get back.  Turns out I got on the same bus, headed back... towards the bridge like I thought it was going to.

I made it back to the dorms without being mugged, even though I was an hour later than I thought I was going to be.  But at least I had time enough to work on that cover letter.  Back to the ol' grind, eh?

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