Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Rockets, Rain, and Relative Chaos

Real numbers commute.  And so do some real people, I hear.

Today was it.  This was the time to wrap up the Kaplan audition planning.  Former jobs, rockets, resumes, pressure, references, gunpowder... it's all kind of muddled now.  The important thing is, with a little last-minute help from people back home, I got the application together, and had a sort of plan for the audition: "How to launch a rocket".

But first I had to tidy up.  This involved a business casual shirt (PLEASE tell me there's a standard definition for that oxymoron), a damp washcloth, and a trip to the shower.  What made the shower unusual was the haircut session going on.  Someone was giving a free haircut, and there was clippings everywhere on the bathroom floor.  And people kept dropping in to see how it was going.  Kind of eerie.

Then there was the actual process of printing out the cover letter and resume.  I made some editing changes with some advice from the Technical Communication peer review session we had yesterday.  I copied the files over to my thumb drive, and left it sitting while I took that shower.  I came back and took the drive out, and dashed over to the library to print it out.  I opened the resume, printed a couple copies.  Then I went to open the cover letter... and the file was corrupted.

It didn't transfer fully.  For some reason or other, Windows decided to delay the file's write, so when I pulled the drive out, it didn't have time to store it all.  I ended up having to make the resume without the letter, unfortunately.  I'll have to print another one early tomorrow morning for class.  Stinky.

The audition itself went fine, though.  Nothing helps energy-level in a presentation like having a high-energy topic like rockets.

All-in-all, an interesting day.  I'll find out within the next few days what the results were, though.  Here's praying it was worth the time! And what do you know, it looks like the fall rains have started in earnest this time.

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